Flowmeter for testing

Fireflow WFT is a precision electronic device designed by Bocciolone Antincendio to measure the pressure and the water flow of a hose system; it is optimized to test that performance of a firefighting installation comply with project’s calculation.
User interface through Wi-Fi connection to a smartphone or tablet or PC device.
The Fireflow WFT device consists of a set of venturi pipes and electronic appliance with pressure sensors which detect the pressure drop inside the pipe. The flow is computed by measuring this differential pressure. The device is supplied with connections according to many National Standards (e.g. STORZ, BS, AFNOR, UNI) for hydrants and nozzles.
- Wi-Fi technology compatible with iOS, Android, Windows systems and with the latest generation PC, Tablet and Smartphone.
- User friendly interface with three available languages.
- The interface allows to input and storage information data, parameters and notes.
- The wireless connection allows users the remote reading from the measurement site.
- Excellent accuracy (1 l / min at 50% of the full scale for DN 25 and DN 45 and 2 l / min for DN 70).
- Wide measuring range (up to 220 l / min for DN 25, 500 l / min for DN 45 and 1800 for DN 70).
- Pressure measurement up to 12 bars.
- Rechargeable battery via USB cable.
- The sensor part is made by a single unit system that guarantees a good seal and water resistance.